Philosophy, aspiration and actuality

Feb 12, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Steven Bentsen

Retired Evil Mastermind

My current journey through knowledge, reality, and existence

I’ve always been interested with the way people think, how their beliefs are structured, and the universal truths they may have uncovered throughout their lives. Some concepts resonate with me, and I consider adopting them to nurture and watch evolve, while most fail to align with my mind. Obviously, this post is full of my opinions, I can justify the work behind the curtain that led me here, but it’d take more time than either of us have at the moment. Your opinions are equally valid for you and I’m not here to trivialize them.

Meditation and introspection are useful tools in the review and revision process of thought analysis, but without opening your mind and communicating, few new thoughts filter in. You can glean some wonderful insight from our world and the cosmos beyond, but there is a point when study can transmute into belief. I cannot prove most of the particulars about my core beliefs in the abstract, yet the practicals have the power to change lives.

Love those you interact with, establish relationships of mutual trust and care. Be open to understanding the previously unknown, although you needn’t rush to embrace the change. There is merit in every action and a fundamental need for every potential of choice, even if many of them are not desirable. Different is not lesser. Failure is not wrong. The right path is personal.

The more my mind opens, the less I can attribute ‘good’ and ‘evil’ to the events and behaviors throughout humanity. I seek to understand if an incident is harmful to others, aside the catalyst. In most cases the answer is ‘yes,’ sadly. I don’t suppose people should be good to each other by nature, in fact some individuals must exist throughout the entire spectrum. That said, I have a very simple question to which most of us will share an answer…

If you could choose, would you prefer a neighbor that lessens your quality of life?

It would be naive to believe others will avoid selfishness and opportunity, nor are most actively engaged in intentionally malicious behavior. Most, myself included, are unable to conceive of all the consequences and repercussions for every given action. Be wary of those who would abuse your kind spirit, guard yourself from those who see your strength as weakness, but never succumb to the temptation to believe they are monsters. They’re humans, just as fragile and temporary as the rest of us.

A soul, on the other hand, is a topic best left for another day.

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