Insight via Acceptance

Apr 30, 2018 | Writer's Life | 0 comments

Steven Bentsen

Retired Evil Mastermind

I consider existence to be sufficiently vast as to be indistinguishable from infinite due to my mortal perception. I couldn’t possibly fit all the information stored in a single library into my mind within a single lifetime, much less puzzle out and deduce the greatest mysteries of the multiverse. My spirituality assures me that I needn’t attempt such colossal tasks to find meaning and purpose throughout my life. I’ll be content provided I love those closest to me unconditionally.

There was a time when I was afraid to embrace a path less often followed, or chart my own through this often confusing world. I will no doubt stumble and fall from time to time, and may need to pick myself up before charging once more into the unknown. With an adventurous spirit and open mind I’ll find wonders waiting beneath the benial, for I may observe life from a different vantage than the exhibit intended. Whatever I find, judgement is my last and least meaningful impulse.

Observing with patience and humility is the best practice I’ve found so far, in the search for insight. It has helped me to understand that while I may not delight in everything, all facets of existence are necessary. I may lack comprehension on a subject matter, or even lack the intellect to reason my way through the mind and intentions of another human being. Time and effort may mend such matters to some degree, but I’d hope we can all agree omniscience isn’t a realistic expectation. I instead attempt to keep an open mind and empathetic heart.

I’d rather love and be at peace than wage a war of words and emotions. I’ll reserve my negative energy for those seeking to inflict harm upon those I choose to care about. As for the rest of you wonderful people, I look forward to learning what I’m able from and about you throughout our time together on this cosmic mudball.

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